What Is This Aura?


What is this aura
emanating from the stones
where the faithful kneel?
Where the faithful kneel,
a golden light is shining—
galaxies draw near.
Galaxies draw near
and every faithful pilgrim
radiates with joy.

Text and photo © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Stones glowing at sundown in Northern Arizona
More Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon
More We Write Poems: NaPoWriMo #14
More The April Heights: “Aura”

Posted on April 13, 2012, in Arizona, haiku, Haiku Heights, Haiku My Heart, NaPoWriMo, Northern Arizona, The April Heights 2012, We Write Poems. Bookmark the permalink. 11 Comments.

  1. Lovely haiku, but I wouldn’t like to kneel on those rocks!

  2. Stones know. But here, your stones also tell!

  3. Awesome glow from photo and your haiku ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  4. The universe is full of mystery and miracles.

  5. Pilgrimage… an experience so deep and wordless that it can only be shared by the heart. This you have done. Thank you.

  6. I love the form of this poem, the repetition of lines. Well done.

  7. Do those rocks glow with the sunset ? Great photo. Rocks do have auras don’t they and give off gasses and geopathic stress sometimes. Nice haiku to see the divine in everything.

  8. I like the repetitive nature of your lines.

  9. love the pic (the stones afire with zeal, it would appear) and the verse, so fitting

  10. I like the juxtaposition between kneeling – being grounded – and the galaxies overhead.


  11. great concept for the prompt and it has the feel of a loop poem beginning with the previous line of the last haiku very clever!

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