
I’m a special education teacher at a public school in the United States. I write poetry. Every day.

  1. yay! Love the new name & the new blog.

  2. Judith A. Henry

    Blessings be Magical Teacher….congratulations on a new
    start…nothing like it !!!!
    ever, paragay-mama-ci

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      You, dear Judith, have followed my journey for many years. Thank you for your blessings–I always covet them!

  3. Welcome!! Look forward to reading more!

  4. So glad you emailed me to tell me of the change, thanks and keep up the good work!

  5. Enjoy this blog very much. Quite sure I’ll be back.

  6. I’ve been toying with the idea of switching from blogger to wordpress. It seems like Wodpress has more to offer in many ways. Enjoy your new blog home!

  7. Hello Busy Educator!

    Marjan Glavac here from the Busy Educator’s Newsletter.

    This year, I’m celebrating the 12th year anniversary of The Busy Educator’s Newsletter.

    It’s one of the longest running newsletters on the Internet devoted to helping teachers become their best.

    To celebrate this anniversary, and the start of a new year, I’m offering something special to teachers.

    It’s an eBook from my good colleague and friend Rob Plevin.

    Rob Plevin, a retired Deputy Head of a school for children with severe behavior problems, is making his 107 page Magic Classroom Management eBook available to all teachers who sign up for my newsletter.

    He shares his secrets, tips, tricks, and strategies for improving student behavior in this no cost eBook.

    Learn how to….
    Teach your students to follow instructions without complaining.
    Prevent inappropriate questions and maintain control of your lessons.
    Win support from colleagues, parents and administration (which will make your job much easier!).
    Motivate all students (especially low achievers and behavior challenges) to produce more higher-quality work for you than they ever have before.
    Teach your kids to sit quietly in their seats and actually listen when you’re talking.
    Silence any noisy class in seconds!
    End low-level classroom disruptions, such as whispering. chatting. tapping pencils. dropping things and wandering.
    Prevent ALL pupils from swearing – no matter how old they are and no matter how bad their behavior is.
    Deal with major crises and confrontations quickly and calmly – knowing full well that you are in total control every step of the way.

    Once again, Rob’s eBook is available at no charge when you sign up for The Busy Educator’s Newsletter.

    To receive your eBook, go to http://www.glavac.com

    All the best,

    Marjan Glavac

  8. Hello,

    I just wanted to introduce the new Dreambox free summer school online math program for teachers.

    DreamBox is offering its award winning math game to classrooms for free this summer. If you know of any teachers that may be interested or if you wish to try it for your classroom just go to: http://www.dreambox.com/summerschool

    DreamBox classroom offers
    • A serious math curriculum with more than 500 online lessons.
    • Completely individualized learning for each child in the class. They can learn at their own pace.
    • Teachers get an at-a-glance progress summary for every student in the class.
    For more information take a look at:


    Tracy Beach

    DreamBox Learning, Inc. | 10900 NE 8th Street, Suite 600, Bellevue, WA 98004 | http://www.dreambox.com/

    Tell us what you think: http://www.dreambox.com/blog/
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/DreamBox_Learn
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Math.Learning

  9. Dear Magical Mystery:

    I enjoy reading your blog, and was wondering if you would like to do a link exchange. My book blog’s url is educationanddeconstruction.com. Every week, I make a nonfiction book recommendation in the topic areas of education, history, technology, biography and/or humor. I have already put up your link. Please reply if you would like to do a link exchange. Thank you.


    Sally Friedman

  10. I’m proud to read such inspirational teacher as you are, Judith… I’m a teacher too in sixth grade here in the Philippines… go go girl!… hope you’ll drop by sometime in my blog!

  11. Thank you for stopping by my Journal. I so appreciate your lovely words. Writing poetry every day! Kudos.

  12. I always get excited when I see that you have stopped by with a delightful poem. The magic of your word crafting has graced my blog again and I thank you.

  13. Great blog! I have some good reading coming! =)

  14. Hi, I came here via the recommendation of Bellezza, upon my request for poetry related Blogs for a page I’m compiling called,Pomesallsizes on my own Blog The Parrish Lantern. I have added you to the list of poetry Blogs . Thanks

  15. Hey MMT, thought I’d let you know that I nominated you for the versatile blogger award. You pair pictures and poems so well, each one having a neat perspective and poignant insights. Rules for acceptance are here:
    Keep writing–I’ll definitely keep reading 🙂

  16. my questions are answered when I just read your about me; you write your poems; clever girl!

  17. Your work is very beautiful. And I thank you for that.

    May I have permission to use one or two of your haikus in an arts journal that our writing group puts together once a quarter? We’re a group formed out of an Episcopalian Church in Castle Rock, CO. The journal is distributed free, just within our congregation. I would attribute with copyright symbol, and the name “Magical Mystery Teacher.”

  18. You have no idea how much this post helped me today. Thank you. I really needed it.

  19. This is special–I look forward to visiting regularly now that I’m back on a little more often!


  20. what a beautiful picture…

  21. So glad that I found you…I enjoy the company of educators and love poetry.

  22. Jonah Bornstein

    Hello, I’d like to use your photo of Nazlini, Az for a small book on Navajo weavings. I don’t see how to get in touch with you to get the permissions necessary. I would, of course, provide a credit of the photo.

  23. Glad to have finally found your site. I’ve seen the name elsewhere. I have teachers in my own family and did some teaching at one point. I love to write poetry as well but still work fulltime and so don’t do as much as I would like. Will have a look around.

  24. If you live anywhere near Lexington, Kentucky, please contact me. I want to start a haiku writing group. I write haiku every day and recently retired from teaching. Seeking others who do the same.

  25. I’m finding calm in the middle of MagicalMystery …

  26. Your blog comes to me via email with your images hidden. On the right side of it is a button that says “Show Images”. Are you getting mine by email? If so, look for that button.

  27. Just a quick hello, updating my old blog feed 🙂 Hope you’re well.

  28. I’m really enjoying your blog.

  29. I like this site.. 🙂 COntinue writing,, 🙂

  30. Hi kiddo, Just wanted to give you a heads-up, since I dont think i have your email address, that your blog is being featured as Blog of the Week at Poets United on Monday. 🙂

  31. Really inspiring. I teach creative writing to a group of Italian students and I will certainly show them your blog tomorrow. We are experimenting with slam poems now. Not easy for EFL learners, but they are doing pretty well!

  32. Hey mate, I’m so delighted to find another teacher/poet/haiku lover blogging! I’m also all of the above. I was very excited to see the work you have posted on your blog. Did you have to go through much networking to get the audience you have today, I’ve only been recently been working towards getting a wider audience. Love the work mate.

  33. A very nice and interesting blog, I’m happy to found it .
    Мне очень нравится этот дневник.
    С приветом

  34. you are so humble yet elegant ,magical & mystical indeed !

  35. showers of words and images. I’ve just been scrolling down your blog. such a treat, tender images of a “harsh” land, and poignant haiku.

  36. Tried to leave a comment on your ‘Deepening Silence’ post – not sure if it was a WP issue or if it was full up. First from your link in my comment, then to your blog to your post and I can see the comments, but can’t leave one.

    Silence of shadows in the desert… that’s when the scorpions come out to dance!

  37. So pleased to have found your blog with other interesting prompts to inspire!…you write so beautifully:)

  38. Retired teacher here. Never wrote a bit of poetry til then.

  39. Retired special education teacher. I’ve written poetry since middle school. Stopped for a few years and got started back up in October and have been writing everyday. I look forward to reading all your posts.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I’ve written poetry off and on all my life, but it was the death of my father seven years ago that prompted me to turn to haiku in earnest. I needed to write my way through grief, but I couldn’t write anything long, so the haiku form turned out to be perfect for me. I’m no longer grieving, but I write daily, without fail, aiming for six typewritten pages of haiku. Most of it is, to put it bluntly, crap, but out of the crap one or two shining gems appear. Those are the ones I post! (Thanks for introducing yourself.)

  40. I salute all teachers, and especially special education ones. This is a fine blog–and I too write poems every day; it helps to muffle the raucous world around us.

  41. You have a really beautiful blog. The photographs and poetry are in perfect harmony.

  42. It is wonderful to meet a fellow special educator…I am retired now and following my passion to write poetry and prose. I enjoy my visits here!

  43. Your poetry consistently touches my heart. Thank you. And as a long time teacher, I identified with your educator’s angst, which often segues into compassion and gratitude. I recently completed my 50th year in the classroom, and many of those days were luminous. BTW, I will be hanging out in Ajo, AZ this winter. Is that anywhere near you?

  44. Hi kiddo, would you please email me at wildwoman2@shaw.ca ? Something to ask you, long overdue!!!!

  45. Where are you from?

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