Three Foreign Tongues


In a foreign tongue,
there’s no way to calm yourself—
every word a storm.
~~ ~~ ~~
In a foreign tongue,
how will you know the right words
to say, “I’m sorry”?
~~ ~~ ~~
In a foreign tongue,
empty little syllables
rattle in your mouth.

© 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Three Word Wednesday: “Calm, Know, Rattle”

Posted on October 17, 2012, in senryu, Three Word Wednesday. Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. All true, but how important it is to know at least one foreign tongue…

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I do agree with you. However, sometimes trying to learn that one foreign tongue can be torture—especially for those people (although I’m not one of them) with no aptitude for learning languages.

  2. Feelings of displacement–sometimes all of life seems spoken in a foreign tongue. Great observations, finely written. As usual.

  3. So true and even simple hand gestures can often be mistaken too.

  4. so true you feel lost and alone in a sea of people who don’t speak your language.

  5. Nice… especially the last one.

  6. Foreign tongue appear lost at times !!!

  7. When you attempt to speak another language you are the foreigner!

  8. Profound! Loved this….

  9. all three capture quite well–and uniquely–the impact a foreign tongue can have on an individual.

  10. Many problems could probably be solved if we could say I’m sorry in a foreign language!

  11. i took the words in a entire diff perspective …..

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