
Seed pods on a palo verde tree, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona

blasted by the sun
ten thousand tiny seed pods
swelling up with light

Haiku © 2016 and photo © 2014 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Poetry Pantry #306
More Sunday Scribblings 2: “Blasted”

Posted on June 12, 2016, in 5-7-5, Arizona, haiku, Poetry Picnic, Poets United, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona, Sunday Scribblings 2 and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. All the kids have been told it is time to leave home.

  2. And when they burst how magical that will be – like stars or glow worms..maybe..we all need a little sun to grow

  3. There is a season for seedpods and one for survival… I hope the heat will not be too bad this year.

  4. lovely…hope they add color to the place…

  5. How beautiful…like magic!

  6. And then….the beginning of new life!

  7. Hopefully, the seeds were planted with love and will burst forth in the sun full of life.

  8. Delicious haiku. Just perfect. The heat, the color, the image that grows in our minds through your planted words.

  9. What a beautiful visual that is!

  10. And with some life giving rain they will pop open and start a new life.

  11. Rosemary Nissen-Wade


  12. Aw, life. It’s so wondrous to observe it. Thanks for these words and lovely picture.

  13. There is so much intensity in this haiku. Truly a powerful write

    Much love…

  14. They are waiting to see what befalls them, something only mother nature knows and isn’t telling yet.

  15. They react strongly when they get heated like some unreasonable people. More risky here when they have numbers!


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