Haibun: Simple Pleasures

As a humble person, I fill my mornings with simple pleasures: writing haiku on clean white paper; straightening bent nails with a hammer; watching a sparrow build a new nest; or touching—gingerly—cactus needles. Evenings, I enjoy watching the current swirl where the river bends on its way to Mexico. I need no more medicines for my soul than these.

Deepening summer—
I long to wash the field dust
from my hands and face.

Haibun © 2021 by Magical Mystical Teacher 

Posted on August 15, 2021, in 5-7-5, haibun, haiku, Poets & Storytellers United, The Whirligig and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Beautifully told. I too love simple pleasures.

  2. PS I should add that I think it’s an absolutely perfect haibun.

  3. Perfect!!! This is what the haibun form is about
    Good Sunday


  4. Haibunilicious work, Teach. Oooommmmm…..


    My fingernails and feet are always dirty in August. I get paid in corn. Love this breeze from faraway with simple pleasures in common.

  6. Beverly Crawford

    This is such a classic, beautiful example of someone who has reached the point of contentment in their life — having forgiven themself for what they’ve done wrong and understanding they did the best they knew how at the time…….at least that’s my definition of contentment! Loved your haibun!

  7. Simply beautiful! Your haibun speaks to or for me. 🙂

  8. That white paper is so clear in my mind… and I love how the contrast with the last line of the haiku.

  9. a very peaceful feeling, well written, i enjoyed this very much.

  10. Beautifully said. The simple pleasures are the best ones.

  11. Beautifully written!

  12. I call this a perfect Haibun! I am in awe of your ability to write them …….

  13. yes, this is a very beautiful haibun. the imagery in the prose is about simple, every-day activities, but what a delight to watch.
    the haiku that closes it is just perfect.

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