Six-Word Saturday: Mortality



Friend’s death: I’m feeling my mortality.


I’m not looking for a great (or even a small) outpouring of sympathy from readers of this post, because the one who died was a friend from long ago, from high school, and we had had little contact over the years. I am, however, looking for a new sense of direction for whatever time I have left on Earth. It’s just too easy to wander through life aimlessly.

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Posted on August 21, 2010, in Six-Word Saturday. Bookmark the permalink. 10 Comments.

  1. My 6 4 U: …but the good memories will linger!


  2. Big hugs.

    A teenager under the influence lost control of his car last weekend and hit another car, full of teenagers. One of those died. The boys were ftom different schools in the county and not the one I teach in.

    The ripples still reach me. I teach kids who knew/know boys in both cars and kids who left school early one day to go to the funeral.

    The only comfort I ever found in this arena was one I read in a book I have given away and cannot remember the name of. It was written by a father and daughter about the daughter’s illness and their own beliefs. They make the comment that we feel like we deserve 70 years and if it is cut short, like dying at 15 or the age of your friend, we draw our time line, look at the shortened piece and feel cheated.

    But if we believe in life after death, and what is us lives forever, and look at that time line, 15 years or 115 years are miniscule.

    I am sorry for your loss. I don’t have answers. I have random ponderings.

  3. So sorry for your loss. May you find what you’re looking for in life.


  4. I hope your loss leads you to the direction you are seeking. It’s curious how the most tragic of events can often times be the greatest turning points in our lives if we are conscious enough to notice.

    Wishing you only the best.

    – Rabbit

  5. I know exactly how you feel. Recently, two people(our age) that my hubby and I know from school(and after) were diagnosed with terminal cancer. Hubby’s mom just had to enter a personal care facility. Our youngest son’s future wife is dealing with cancer–she’s 23. Our own mortality has been staring at us hard lately!
    My advice to you–and us is this…just live each day to the fullest, and don’t procrastinate! If there is something that you’ve always wanted to do– or “whatever”–go for it! In the words of the song…”Live Like You are Dying”–because we all are, we just don’t know when. ((hugs)) Kathy

  6. Sorry for your lost, it’s never easy even if it was someone in the past. Seems like many of us are having reality hit us pretty hard lately.
    Sounds like my week too…a teacher from my school lost her battle with cancer. Rather shocking since the last I had heard she was coming back to school in a few weeks.

  7. 64U: old friends new friends same sadness
    It is always hard to hear about the passing of someone you knew. It reminds us of how precious our time is. I am sorry for your loss.

  8. hope u shall find that direction, MMT..

    My Six Word Saturday

  9. Make life worthwhile for all ; not just yourself till you are here 🙂

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