Six-Word Saturday: C’est la vie!


Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don’t.

Click here for more Six-Word Saturday.

Posted on August 8, 2009, in Six-Word Saturday, success. Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Great phrase, my friend – and so true for most of us.

    Hugssss, Susan

  2. But at least you try!!

  3. Words to live by!

    I agree, but prefer the former to the latter 😉

  4. Great post w/ 6 words. Have a good one!!

  5. I’m with ya. The not succeeding isn’t quite as fun, but I’m quite used to it 😀

  6. love this six word post!

  7. Okay, your blog is too cool not to re-visit!

  8. Words to remember.

  9. Thank you for leaving your wonderful words on my blog, and for sharing your six words with all of us. You’re such a creative, thoughtful, and inspiring person 🙂

  10. It’s good that you seem to be okay with both 🙂

  11. I’m loving reading your comments on everyone’s blogs today. I really think sometimes the trying is what’s so much fun. It’s the destination not the journey.

  12. As we all do ! Thanks for stopping by.

  13. Sometimes I succeed in my mind, but to others I don’t! Love this one!

  14. As long as we don’t stop trying, I think that’s ok. Thanks for playing!

  15. Yes, at least you tried and haven’t given up yet!! Thanks for stopping by! Great 6 words!

  16. Great six word saturday and thanks for visiting mine. I will be sure to invite you next time 🙂

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