Shadow Shot Sunday: Abandoned

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09.Aug.2009 013

abandoned to weeds
and shadows—old gas station
in Arizona

© 2009 by Magical Mystical Teacher
For more Shadow Shots, click here.

Posted on August 15, 2009, in my digital photos, my senryu, Shadow Shot Sunday. Bookmark the permalink. 23 Comments.

  1. Those shadows accentuate the loneliness of the place! Very atmospheric photo!

  2. I can only echo what Gemma has said, the shadows do indeed accent the feeling of loneliness. What fantastic shadow shot!

    Happy SSS!


  3. Great title for this photo! The gas station does look very deserted in the desert.

  4. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they all could be abandoned and all we had was the wind and the solar power…some day!

  5. Great shot of the shadows and gas station.

  6. Looks like a ghost town!
    Karla & Karrie

  7. i’m thinking, could they not have recycled them or something?

  8. Great shot, love the forgotten and abandoned, so errie and full of past life..thanks for dropping in, always love your poems..have a fab day 🙂 MOnikaROse

  9. I like that photo-it is sad seeing these abandoned places. I saw quite a few similar things in the North of England-though some of the pumps were still being used!

  10. it looks a sad place, the shadows do add to that atmosphere of abandonment

  11. What a wonderfully atmospheric photo!!

  12. I can almost smell the dry heat coming up through the soil and plants with possibly a top note of spilled oil.
    Very, very nice photo. I’m glad to have discovered your blog.

  13. This shot captures the era of a modern ghost town. I looked at this and got the feeling that the desert won. Perfect choice for the theme.

  14. An interesting nostalgia shot.

  15. superhighways made
    many gas stations like this
    simply obsolete

    Nifty choice for Shadow Shots.
    Hugs and blessings,

  16. I love that shot! I’m not sure where it came from…but I have a thing for old gas stations.

  17. Sad, isn’t it? But you’ve captured the feeling perfectly.

  18. I have no idea why I am attracted to decaying things —buildings, cars, trees… There is an odd kind of beauty in knowing what they once were. Very nice photo.

  19. That is exactly the type of subject I seek out. Very nice!

  20. wow! wonderful subject for a shadow shot. desolate and decayed….

  21. The pumps patiently

    wait for cars that no longer

    come for a fill up

  22. The contrast with the abandoned and antique pump and the freshness and brilliance of the day is wonderful. Great shot.

  23. A real vintage shot! I can feel the loneliness and lonesomeness of this place.

    Hope someone find for a better place.


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