Shadow Shot Sunday: Light Play


sabers of light slash
through trashed room’s marrow and bone—
the glory is gone

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Twin Arrows, an abandoned trading post along Arizona I-40.
For more Shadow Shots, click here.


Posted on May 1, 2010, in Arizona, my digital photos, my senryu, Shadow Shot Sunday. Bookmark the permalink. 43 Comments.

  1. Light is so amazing! This is a one of a kind photo…love it!

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      One-of-a-kind is right, Carolyn. If I were to go back there another 100 times in a row, I probably wouldn’t see such a sight again.

  2. That is a one of kind photo and it’s terrific! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Here are the words you missed (because they weren’t posted!) when you visited, Sylvia:

      *sabers of light slash through trashed rooms marrow and bone the glory is gone*


  3. wonderful wisps of light-thanks to the ceiling falling to the floor.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Aha! You noticed that part of the ceiling has fallen. How very observant, Robin. (Some people miss that little detail.) Thanks for your visit!

  4. Oooooo this is very cool! Abandoned places cast the best shadows. Happy SSS to you!

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I’m traveling this weekend and I have my eye on a couple of abandoned places as photogenic possibilities! Thanks for visiting, Cassie.

  5. The sun is peeking through so many openings in the building. So the shadows are a result of the widely spaced boards. Nice in the desert, but a slight annoyance in the rain or cold of the winter…

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Only a “slight annoyance”? Gee, Ralph, I’d think it would be a major inconvenience! 🙂

  6. Oh I DO like how you’ve caught that light!

  7. Wow, great shot. I love these games of light and shadows in abandoned places.
    Lovely Sunday to you!

  8. “Sabers of light” ~ stunning description! And that photo could almost be a capture of pouring rain caught in light! Amazing!

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I agree, Gemma: amazing–one of life’s serendipitous discoveries. I always enjoy your visits. Come back again!

  9. This one took my breath away before I read your haiku. Now I can’t breathe at all! 😉

  10. great shot – it looks like it is raining inside!!

  11. I love this haiku, very raw and from the gut, perfectly fitting the picture of the room…me likey!!!

    Yeah…and what is this #2 all about…I’m betrayed!!!

    Silly, fickle meme…have a great weekend!!!


    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Raw? Nobody has ever called one of my haiku “raw” before. You’re the first! You get the prize: my kudos! Thank you, Sweet Repose!

  12. Light sticks playing with you…
    Happy SSS!


  13. Light really came straight in. So cool shot!

    Have a lovely SS Day.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I think it’s cool too, Chie. I’m just glad I was at the right place at the right time to see what I saw!

  14. Great capture of light
    it’s certainly bright.

    (Like my rhyme, MMT? I’m trying)

    That’s an interesting trashed trading post you found in the desert.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Your rhyming couplet is perfectly acceptable, Patti V! Try another on your next visit!

  15. What an interesting shot – how did you create that effect?

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Believe it or not, I had nothing to do with creating the light. I was just there to capture it as it came streaming through the ceiling, because the roof covering has been stripped away! (It’s an abandoned building, after all.) Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Fantastic photo!!

  17. Was this room once proud
    Or squalid? Neat or a mess?
    We will never know.


  18. WOW! This is great- reminds me of Star Wars!

  19. Great shot..Isn’t it amazing the pictures we get, when we start noticing shadows?
    Happy SSS.

  20. I love this the sun finds all the nooks and crannies !
    Happy SSS to you.

  21. Brilliant shot! I think the arrows of light give the room a new glory.

  22. Oh, I like that very earthy room and its lovely light.

  23. My Camera's Eye

    Love the long shadows! nice job

  24. What an incredible find and shot! That’s the kind that you hold your breath when you see it as it seems too good to be true.

  25. You inspire me to give it a shot … so here goes.

    Bright arrows of light
    Shot at mankind’s destruction
    Leaving no footprints.

  26. Those slashes of light transform a grimy old room.

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