Shadow Shot Sunday: Candy Bag


Candy bag, candy bag,
Teeny tiny treats
Rest within your shady folds—
Tempting little sweets!

[Verse 2 comes from Mitsukoshi, who left it as a comment. Thank you!]
Candy bag, candy bag
I think I see some gum
When I finish eating it
I will say yum yum!

Candy bag, candy bag,
Brilliant as the sun,
When I’ve gobbled every piece,
Then your work is done!

© 2010 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Read “Homecoming Parade” to see where the candy came from.
For more Shadow Shot Sunday photos, click here.

Posted on October 2, 2010, in Arizona, homecoming, my digital photos, my light verse, parades, Shadow Shot Sunday. Bookmark the permalink. 34 Comments.

  1. The treat cannot be measured, a little sweetness for the little person. Now that our kids are really big, we miss the trick-or-treat days with sacks full of candy. After a couple of days, we parents ‘lost’ those bags. Two days of extra sugar is plenty…

  2. Oh my goodness…is it really that time again?

    Cute shot.

  3. Delightful words and capture for the day! Ah, and it is getting that time of year, isn’t it? I’m sure I must be having two birthdays a year! How else could I have gotten this old???? Still love the bag of treats though! Have a great weekend!


  4. Your poem made me smile. AH! The joys of trick-or-treating. 🙂

  5. This is a child’s delight! The colours are so bright and tempting.

  6. Trick or treating? Lovely shot!

  7. What a sweet prose to a sweet lil lady… Gorgeous, gorgeous, Maam…

    Love the sun catching the goodies while lil lady watches it.

    Happy SS & enjoy your Sunday soonest…


  8. How sweet it is! Is this in preparation for the end of the month? ; 0

  9. happy smile upon her face…sick tummy from too many treats…

  10. Looks like a nice day for a parade and it’s always a nice day for candy, I suppose.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      It was a lovely day for a parade! Thank you for noticing! 🙂 As a teacher, I could have done without all that candy! After I got my middle-schoolers back to the classroom–oh,my!–they were hyper!

  11. Oh, my, I just read that you are a middle school teacher. May God bless you!!

    I was at a middle school (Intermediate School) Thursday. The eighth graders I was in the middle of were actually quite good. Shockingly.

  12. Children are sweet, too, when they’re small. Then, when they’re older, they can surprise us by being sweet at the most unexpected times.

    Alberta, Canada

  13. Sweet!

    My entry is in here, have a blessed Sunday!

  14. Nice shot, and lovely words to go with it.

  15. Sweeeet! I want candy! I was happy to read that you ended up enjoying the parade after all 🙂

    Oh and I loved your ‘car poem’ comment on my blog!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  16. Fun shadow shot and great poem to go with it.

  17. Love how you have captured the little one peering into the bag! Great perspective highlighting the shadows in the bag and on the ground!

  18. Boy does that lil’ dity take me back to the days, stashing my Tootsie Rolls and Hershey Kisses from my bratty lil’ brother…he still is a demon!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Are you sure we don’t have the same brother? Actually, my little brother used to irritate the pants off me by stashing HIS Halloween candy and parceling it out (to himself, of course) piece by piece for MONTHS after Halloween was over. I knew where he kept it, and it was tempting to snatch a piece–but he kept count and would have known if even a single Kiss was missing. 🙂

  19. Spotted this when I hopped over to read the Rejoice Haiku and I couldn’t resist commenting…
    Simply loved it!! 😀 This is my type of poem, simple, sweet, childlike!! 🙂

  20. Yummy shadows. Great photo.

  21. You could do a children’s book! Great photo. And, btw, I am so pleased to stimulate the thoughts of such a creative person. You will be happy to know that I have been doing just what you were thinking – a blog friend and I have been e-mailing a short story back and forth; we edit, add a paragraph or two, and watch the story grow..

  22. Candy bag, candy bag
    I think I see some gum
    When I finish eating it
    I wil say yum yum!

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I’ve incorporated your lilting rhyme as verse 2 of the original poem. It works wonderfully well. Check it out–and thank you! If you have a Web site, I can send readers your way. Have a wonder-filled day! 🙂

  23. Love the verses, including the one written for my post!
    Thank you!

  24. There’ll be plenty of candy bags by the end of the month…. then all of the kiddies will be singing trick and treats! hmmm…now let us pick our favorite piece out!! 🙂

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