Shadow Sweeper


Blindly determined
to keep herself from sin, she
grabbed her sturdy broom
and swept away the shadows
that leered at her like demons.

** ** **
Deep quagmires of sin
can be swept away, my dears,
with a sturdy broom.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Outside a small shop in Tonalá, Jalisco, México
More Stumbling Towards Ecstasy ruminations here
More Shadow Shot Sunday photos here
More Straight Out of the Camera shots here
More Haiku Heights with the theme “Sin” here. (The first poem is a tanka, a close relative of haiku.)
More One Single Impression poems with the theme “Quagmire” here
More Mellow Yellow Monday photos here

Posted on January 23, 2011, in Haiku Heights, Jalisco, Mellow Yellow Monday, Mexico, my digital photos, my tanka, Shadow Shot Sunday, Straight Out of the Camera Sunday, Stumbling Towards Ecstasy, Tonalá. Bookmark the permalink. 45 Comments.

  1. Yes, it is possible and should be done….

  2. Creative shot for this. 🙂

  3. After reading, I came to the conclusion that I need a sturdier broom. It might brighten up my life.

  4. Will make sure I myself keep those demons of sin at bay with a sturdy broom.

  5. Pretty shot! Congrats for making the shadow showcase!

  6. Wonderful shot, you sure hit the payload with it.

  7. Wonderful image… thought provoking verse…

  8. very clever shadow chaser!

  9. Skeletal sweeper
    Fingerlessly clutches broom,
    Bones up on virtue.


    P.S. Is this what your porch looks like?

  10. She’s very colorful, and interesting!
    I can’t do haiku, but the other day I read this: Women are angels. But if our wings are damaged, we keep flying – on broomsticks. Don’t tell us we’re not flexible!
    Thanks for your poem on my blog, I love it!

  11. Very interesting photo!

  12. I love this! a broom to sweep away sin.. and hurt and pain.. xo

  13. Oh I need one sturdy broom….:)

    These words of yours made me smile though… 🙂

    Good morning dear Teacher…have your sturdy broom always with you…:)

    Thanks for the nice take on my prompt suggestion.. 🙂

  14. How I love the Day of the Dead images and this one, along with your words, is particularly powerful for me.

  15. Love the idea of sweeping away shadows! Magic!

  16. Great take on the prompt! Love the idea of a broom sweeping away sin.

  17. One post, many memes, good for you! I, too love the dress, but not so much she who is wearing it…
    Thanks for the poem!

  18. I would look like this if the virus attacks me hahhaha!

  19. Shadow must be swept with care least those “out on a lark” be banished to the dustbin.

  20. Beautiful light and shadows. I need a sturdier broom LOL


  21. I felt like I was looking in the mirror as I have that very same facial expression when I’m doing housework! I don’t dress as snappy as that though 🙂

    This is great & I just LOVE your ‘If Shadows Could Talk’ poem that you left on my blog. Thank you!

  22. The doll is a bit scary but what a comfort to know a broom can sweep away all sins.

  23. I’m beginning to find Day of the Dead figures strangely fascinating. Is it my age?

  24. Interesting for MYM!

  25. Oh for sure, MMT.. but needs one very sturdy broom.. 🙂

  26. Fascinating image, though disturbing.

    We’re gonna need a bigger broom.

  27. is that all? i’ve always wondered why sweeping lifts my spirits… i absolutely totally enjoyed this…. can’t help but to smile at the beauty of that photo!!! and of course thank you for your poetic replies over at the pie place….

  28. Very strange and fascinating! I love this.

  29. Sturdy brooms and lots of shining light banish that darkess…
    Great One today,Teach!

  30. this is interesting..apprecaite your visit..thanks a lot..

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