

Hypnotic these weeds
drenched with light, degged with shadow—
wilderness meadow!

degged: sprinkled (Scots dialect)
Text and photo © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Northern Arizona
More The Height of Haiku Challenge, Day 7 with the theme “Hypnotic” here
More One Single Impression poems with the theme “Weed” here
More Share the Joy Thursday ruminations here
More Monday Poetry Train Revisited #135 here
More The Poetry Pantry #65 poems here

Posted on September 7, 2011, in Arizona, haiku, Monday Poetry Train Revisited, my digital photos, my haiku, Northern Arizona, One Single Impression, Share the Joy Thursday, The Height of Haiku Challenge, The Poetry Pantry. Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. I love weeds! What a beautiful picture.

    One mans weeds are another mans wealth, perhaps.

  2. Degged is a new word to me. Thanks! I used to use weed to help me sleep. Ahhh, those were the days.

  3. Looks a beautiful place and the weeds look delicate!!

  4. the weeds cover the wild transforming it to a beautiful garden ~ lovely picture

  5. Really like this one. It reminds me of the fields around where I grew up. I forever wandering off by myself walking in the weedy meadows.

  6. A lovely haiku to go with a great picture.
    Those weeds look so nice.

  7. Gorgeous. Weeds are often more beautiful than carefully arranged flower beds. I shall try that word degged on my Scottish husband, who is always telling me that his language has more useful words than mine.
    Jock, would you like some sugar degged on your rhubarb?

  8. As always MMT, another wonderful Haiku. Great read.


  9. ‘Degged’ – yes, great word to play with!

  10. Loved the line ‘these weeds drenched with light’. It makes me feel as if I’m missing out on something by not being out there with them!

  11. Degged is an unusual word (have only heard Hopkins use it before)–I prefer dappled, but obviously syllables affect word choice in haiku.

  12. love it…weeds can be beautiful…ah and the Scottish word degged…great choice!

  13. Weeds are beautiful if decked with flowers. Flowers are lively in colorful hues. Can these trade places. Can weed be considered not weed if found beautiful?

  14. these weeds look pretty. 🙂

  15. Another gorgeous photo with an equally beautiful poem. I love reading your work, mmt. 🙂

  16. What a beautifully rustic scene!!

  17. Beautiful reading. Enjoyed the poem.

  18. The light, shadows and visual texture in the photo are wonderful. Your words pay homage to wildness!

  19. The imagery in the haiku is awesome as always.

  20. degged, i’ll have to remember that word. there is something good to say about weeds when they look like they do in your photo. great shot.

  21. ‘Degged’ – great word… Your photo is lovely – I too like weeds.

  22. If I was in that place, I’d take a picture too. I love it. I love the flowering weeds. I love the twisted pretzel bark on the trees. What kind of trees are they?

  23. What a beautiful photograph of the lush meadow! Well writ! 🙂

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