

Flowers of the field,
does my language confound you?
My tongue has twelve moons.

Text and photo © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Northern Arizona
More One Single Impression poems with the theme “Language” here
More Straight Out of the Camera shots here
More Mellow Yellow Monday photos here
More Shadow Shot Sunday photos here

Posted on October 2, 2011, in Arizona, flowers, haiku, Mellow Yellow Monday, my digital photos, my haiku, Northern Arizona, One Single Impression, Shadow Shot Sunday, wildflowers. Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. Could it be any drier!!!! How are those lovely little yellow flowers surviving. Your pic makes a great Shadow Shot too. Always an interesting post !!! Have a great week. Mickie 🙂

  2. I agree with Mickie, it is amazing that they survive in that dry, cracked earth. Love the haiku as well, especially “my tongue has twelve moons”.

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. So pretty. Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC

  4. What a treat for the eyes in such a barren place.

  5. The earth in the background really brings out the color of the flowers perfectly.

  6. wow, what an amazing find!
    this is what i call persistence:p

  7. Wow even the ground is dry a beautiful flower still grow.

    Yellow Rose

  8. Such brave bright little flowers! Working so hard to grow through that soil.

  9. Very pretty – and poignant!

  10. Amazing life on the dead track!!

  11. Beautiful flowers, the cracks of the ground look like an artistic background on flowers.

  12. beautiful color on the cracked earth

  13. Very nice photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  14. Just pretty. Happy MYM!

  15. How wonderful to find a little splash of color in a barren landscape!

  16. Gorgeous, a little splash of sunshine ..

  17. wow! that color..yellow flowers really make a day..good shot..”even in the midst of turmoil, u can see happiness within” ..thats what I see in those flowers in the midst of that dried soil..:)

  18. “My tongue has twelve moons.” I love that line!

  19. Out of the dried mud, such beauty erupts. How poetic.

  20. It’s amazing how they survive on that dry and cracked ground. Really beautiful flowers.

  21. Love they mystery of this poem, and the totally unexpected final line.

  22. Amazing shot and lovely haiku! Nature is really wonderful! Such a beautiful flower in a dry and craked soil!
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice and happy week****

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