Haiku and Senryu: A Baker’s Dozen


Here is a riddle:
How long must I contemplate
till Nirvana comes?
~~ ~~ ~~
Someone is kneeling,
reading from a holy book—
then fate takes its course.
~~ ~~ ~~
I accept your gifts:
crisp apples and tender plums
placed in a blue bowl.
~~ ~~ ~~
Something long hidden
will surface when the wind shrieks
through the pass at dawn.
~~ ~~ ~~
Good storyteller,
what is the resolution
to your puzzling tale?
~~ ~~ ~~
Broad is the highway
that leads to swift destruction,
say the ancient books.
~~ ~~ ~~
Who still remembers
where the wind comes from and where
it shelters at night?
~~ ~~ ~~
I begin reading,
although my mind is dormant—
each word leers at me.
~~ ~~ ~~
To grow fine stories,
you must have depth of heartsoil,
soft and rich and sweet.
~~ ~~ ~~
white paper napkin
dotted with crumbs of rye bread—
a meagre repast
~~ ~~ ~~
When the bag lady
roots through the dumpster in vain,
who will send flowers?
~~ ~~ ~~
Star-Fisher Maiden,
if you reel in a planet,
will you throw it back?
~~ ~~ ~~
One spectacle
is as good as another
in seasons of drought.

© 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Sensational Haiku Wednesday with the theme “Freestyle” here
More Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon here
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 39 poems here
More The Poetry Pantry #83 poems here

Posted on January 15, 2012, in haiku, Haiku My Heart, senryu, Sensational Haiku Wednesday, The Poetry Pantry, The Sunday Whirl. Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. I enjoyed reading your haikus.

    Like this one especially: I accept your gifts:
    crisp apples and tender plums
    placed in a blue bowl.

  2. I agree with 14ideasforaname. Your wordles are a treasure trove. Lead me on the hunt anytime!

  3. That dormant mind being leered at has a kindred cerebrum.

  4. Each one blends into the other in beautiful, real life truths. Sometimes stark in their raw honesty, beautiful in their depth of comprehension. A lovely read.

  5. Treasure trove indeed…my favourite for the week: Star-Fisher Maiden…

  6. You write these so beautifully! Your words are a beautiful garden for the mind!

  7. WOW–It takes you eyes on an incredible journey!! Superb pic & glorious verbiage!!


  8. Your gift for haiku amazes and nourishes our group each week. I love it when you pose a question in the haiku. Some read like Zen koans.

  9. Your haiku always are thought provoking and provide food for thought and nourishment for soul.

  10. I so love what you do with the wordle words, they are a delight to read. 🙂

    My favourites…

    “I accept your gifts:
    crisp apples and tender plums
    placed in a blue bowl.”


    “Who still remembers
    where the wind comes from and where
    it shelters at night?”


  11. Another excellent set of verses – that last one brings reality TV to mind. 😉

  12. a lovely read, the whole and each part – I liked “each word leers at me” (in the 8th; – well, liked the image you presented there, as I sometimes feel like that too); the 3rd is so pretty; and this one really reeled me in with its imaginativeness:

    Star-Fisher Maiden,
    if you reel in a planet,
    will you throw it back?

  13. Wow, a great set of haiku! Impossible to pick a favorite out of that bunch 🙂

  14. Excellent collection!

  15. Such surreal scenes:
    Sheltered wind, reeling planets;
    Rich, sweet blue-bowl gifts.


  16. my gosh! it’s always amazing to me how you produced these haiku pieces so fast and in a great amount too. you breathe haiku! 🙂 they’re all amazing!

  17. Wow, you’re definitely in your element! Excellent baker’s dozen!

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