

Northern Arizona

Footprint in the sand—
you passed this way at midnight,
humming to the stars.

Text and photo © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Straight Out of the Camera Sunday
More September Heights: “Footprint”

Posted on September 26, 2012, in Arizona, haiku, Haiku Heights, Northern Arizona, September Heights, Straight Out of the Camera Sunday. Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. What an image…I can see it..and hear it…have I turned a star..

    MMT..a magical haiku this..

  2. Presence! How wonderful.

  3. I like to think of the person who passed this way. Sounds like a joyful type.

  4. “humming to the stars” I love that phrase. Perfect for footprints.

  5. Mysterious perhaps the beginning of a good tale! I love the ‘humming to the stars.’

  6. Beautiful haiku and the last line was special “humming to the stars.” Really enjoyed this one!

  7. Yes one can feel the presence of an endearing heart. Rightly respond, he’s waiting! Nicely MMT!


  8. Musical, nocturnal soul that is.

  9. I agree with Barbara. This sounds like the beginning of a good story.

  10. Well you know what they say about guys with big feet:)

  11. MMT … this is such a nice haiku … a dream in a nutshell

  12. Very poetic! I can well imagine the singing ….

  13. very nice liked humming to the stars too

  14. Humming to the stars, lovely.

  15. I too enjoyed reading “humming to the stars “….lovely feel…

  16. I enjoyed this immensely, of course when I passed that way it was after midnight and I was whistling 😉

    I didn’t comment this the first time around, perhaps because of the incongruity of the image with your poem – the image detracts a little – quite a bit in fact which is a shame.

    I always like to feel the sand! Maybe its just me!

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