Blog Archives

January Whirl

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~~ 1 ~~
casting my anchor
in some faraway harbor—
perhaps Rotterdam
~~ 2 ~~
winter’s first full moon
keeping her awake for hours
in her lumpy bed
~~ 3 ~~
a buffeting wind—
three fragile little sparrows
fight to stay aloft
~~ 4 ~~
raising her wineglass
at her lonely sojourn’s end
among the living
~~ 5 ~~
first dream of the year
mulberry tree near the gate
heavy with new fruit
~~ 6 ~~
sudden gust of wind—
three facts fly out the window
landing in the street
~~ 7 ~~
action, inaction—
even the undertaker
stops to eye the wound
~~ 8 ~~
breaking the needle
so she will not be able
to get her next fix
~~ 9 ~~
a scathing letter
sent from a neighboring state
ten cents postage due
~~ 10 ~~
her favorite team
tasting defeat once again—
winter’s first full moon
~~ 11 ~~
willing to risk all
for the sake of one blossom—
gardener in spring
~~ 12 ~~
hit with aftershocks
from shifting tectonic plates
an old house crumbles

© 2016 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 235