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Whirling with Richard Wright

The first line of each haiku or senryu is taken from Haiku: This Other World by Richard Wright.
This week’s whirling words are: wayward, falling, frenzy, attack, sublime, strange, settle, rough, channel, ball, robust, life


An empty seashore—
not even wayward children
picking up stray shells.
~~ ~~ ~~
Droning autumn rain,
falling since seven a.m.—
will it never cease?
~~ ~~ ~~
Faint sounds of a flute—
a frenzy of emotions
rising within me.
~~ ~~ ~~
A white butterfly
positioning for attack—
sunflower shudders.
~~ ~~ ~~
Is it possible
for sublime conversations
to spawn violence?
~~ ~~ ~~
In an April fog
three strange women are walking—
one begins to chant.
~~ ~~ ~~
The first day of spring,
wind roaring down from the north—
where will it settle?
~~ ~~ ~~
Just enough of moon
to smooth off the rough edges
of one splintered bone.
~~ ~~ ~~
Which is more distant?
The channel through the mountains
or the ocean strand?
~~ ~~ ~~
The scarecrow shudders
as a ball of mud hurtles
toward his straw-filled cheeks.
~~ ~~ ~~
Pen me a letter,
robust, rich, and bristling with
Anglo-Saxon words.
~~ ~~ ~~
Walking home alone,
the life I lived unraveled
strand by strand by strand.

© 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More The Poetry Pantry #108
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 67
More Carpe Diem: “Inspired by Richard Wright”