Six-Word Saturday: Broke


Retirement? Never! I have no money!

For more Six-Word Saturday participants, click here.

Posted on April 24, 2010, in Six-Word Saturday. Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. Trust in me
    Money’s not the issue
    Happiness is…
    Retirement is awesome, it’s just that you have to learn to give up a lot of things to enjoy the morning walks, or the views from your windows…things like that, the little things that take no money.

    Here are my entries for the day.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      No, really, I’m not kidding. I honestly won’t ever be able to stop working–there’s nothing in the bank! With a mortgage to pay and other expenses, I have to have money coming in!

  2. Fun post! And happy 6WS!

    Mine is here


  3. I’m afraid that’s my reality as well. It’s a bit daunting.

  4. We are in the same boat. I must warn you, though, that the older you get the faster you must row to keep it going, and that isn’t easy.

  5. I have a pension and social security. Together they are about half of what I was making. we’re getting by OK, and can afford a few luxuries. My wife can start collecting in August.

    By I also have a fair chunk in retirement accounts, which does a lot to ease the mind.

    Your situation illustrates how society undervalues the most important things. It’s a damned shame.

    Lo siento,

  6. wow,
    love it


  7. When I win the lottery (which will be an even more miraculous feat since I don’t even play), I plan on being the youngest person in the world to retire!

  8. I hope to be able to retire someday, but since my possible year isn’t until 2031…that is just depressing to think about. And no, I’m not counting the years…another teacher just couldn’t understand how I didn’t know so I finally looked just to satisfy her.

  9. thanks for stopping by…great 6 word saturday! and I don’t ever plan on retiring unless i win the lottery….that I don’t even play…so my chance just went from one in 3 million + to one in never!

  10. House and cars paid for. Enough years with district for lifetime health benefits for hubby and me. Small teacher’s pension to pay rent on an SF studio. Small military retirement to buy groceries. Then we have to get jobs to pay the rest, but that’s ok. It’s not teaching in an inner city school.

  11. I understand what you are saying

    robyn 🙂

  12. *sigh* the life of a teacher!

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