A Dozen Wonders

Haiku Heights

Here is a wonder—
a thimbleful of water
quenches all my thirst!
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
from the advancing darkness
someone calls my name.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
with art and revolution
light comes to the soul.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
a sudden desolation
may refresh your soul.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
along an ancient highway
you may find new life.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
my teacher is a poet
but can write no rhymes.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
if the geese have lost their way,
you must be their guide.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
the mermaids cannot save you
from the waves that rage.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
the sea of grass before us
parts when crickets sing.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
across the silent water
dance three unicorns.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
one morning in Chicago
backstreets turned to gold.
~~ ~~ ~~
Here is a wonder—
I cause a brilliant wreckage
when I brush your lips.

© 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More We Write Poems: NaPoWriMo #17
More The April Heights: “Wonder”
More The Poetry Pantry #97

Posted on April 16, 2012, in haiku, Haiku Heights, NaPoWriMo, senryu, The April Heights 2012, The Poetry Pantry, We Write Poems. Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. daryledelstein

    wonder full post!

  2. loved the line…”a sudden desolation may refresh your soul.”

    well if you’re writing Haiku, then you gotta sacrifice rhyming… 😉
    nice set of Haiku…all were great… 🙂

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Every once in a while I write a rhyming haiku. I don’t think I will go to haiku hell for it! 🙂

  3. Here is my favorite…

    with art and revolution
    light comes to the soul.

  4. Here is a wonder. You are causing a wreckage with these brilliant haiku:)

  5. These are awesome, every one of them.

  6. …light comes to my soul ~ divine reflection ~ lovely haiku ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  7. Here is the wonder
    Dozen haiku to ponder,
    Bold soul reflections ~


  8. Here is the wonder
    what all is still left to be
    written a haiku..


  9. A bountiful crop from your haiku orchard.

  10. Here is a wonder
    At one thirty-six a.m.
    I am still awake!

    Having insomnia is no fun, but I enjoyed reading your set of “Here is a wonder” haiku. The first and last one were my favorites.

  11. WONDER-ful! These are terrific… I liked so many of them. The mermaids not being able to save in the raging waves and the brilliant wreckage at lip-brushing were stand-outs for sure. I think my favorite is this one:
    Here is a wonder—
    one morning in Chicago
    backstreets turned to gold.

  12. Crickets – I like that one best. 😀

  13. My favorite:

    Here is a wonder—
    from the advancing darkness
    someone calls my name.

  14. Here’s a wonder … 🙂 Great series of haiku MMT

  15. The world contains so many wonders. I like your dozen. My favorite, the teacher one. It suits me perfectly; I can’t rhyme to save my life. Thank goodness for haiku/senryu.


  16. all so great; love the series

  17. Every one of your haiku is like a pearl which glistens with its own beauty… thank you for the images…

  18. Wow!…I liked the way you captured all those wonders at one place…now this is a wonder!

  19. I enjoyed these well done. The ancient highway reminded me of the road to Santiago. And sudden desolation certainly makes us forget the mundane.

  20. I like these all but Wowie that last one was romance personified!

  21. Love them all but agree the last was wonderful!

    Anna :o]

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