Tree Folk


We are the Tree Folk
unshackled and free, dancing
through shadows with glee.

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Northern Arizona
More Sensational Haiku Wednesday with the theme “Shadow” here
More One Single Impression poems with the theme “Shackles” here
More Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon here
More Skywatch Friday photos here
More Himmelsk photos here

Posted on April 21, 2011, in Arizona, Haiku My Heart, Himmelsk, my digital photos, my haiku, One Single Impression, Sensational Haiku Wednesday. Bookmark the permalink. 38 Comments.

  1. Gorgeous photo!

  2. Love those bare, blackened trees silhouetted against the gorgeous skies and, as always, the perfect words to match! Superb! Wishing you a very Happy Easter Weekend!


  3. Love the cute poem and the Tree Folk. Beautiful capture. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the cute poem you left for me. Happy skywatching and have a great Easter weekend.

  4. Great capture of afternoon sky and the haiku that accompanies it!
    Thanks for visiting my site and for the comments, and the poem/song about the wind and rain. I love the wind and the rain too but it’s harder to photograph them clearly.

  5. poetic shot and an equally poetic haiku!

    Visiting via Skywatch Friday. Have a good day:)

  6. This sky makes me feel lonely and beautiful all at once.

  7. 3 or 4 in the morning!!!!!! Sometimes I’m just going to bed then. I know I miss a lot by not getting up early, but I’m “wired” as a night person (that’s why you see more sunsets than sunrises on my blog). Love your photo and haiku–you can just see those branches dancing around. Have a wonderful weekend. Mickie 🙂

  8. Love the feel of those trees…and loved the poem you left on my skywatch.

  9. joyous haiku for a barren tree!

  10. Yes the bare trees and the blue sky is a total contrast. It’s like life sometimes we are happy sometimes we are sad ^_^


  11. trees dancing naked is a lovely freeing sight.

    I found a book of John Clare’s poetry a long time ago in a second hand bookstore and have been re-reading it lately. I do really like his work.

  12. I think it is beautiful!

  13. Beatyful..;-D Happy Easter…

  14. A great shot. Well done.

  15. Really nice image wonderfully focused!

  16. There is no doubt that each tree has its own spirit. They sprout from the ground soil. Soil from the bones, blood, skin and hair of our ancestors. A part of each of us in every branch.
    Beautiful photo! I love the words. They hold very deep meabing for me. Thank you my friend.


  17. Here is a (((hug))) to all the tree folk.
    Love those guys!

  18. Your tree folk have such a splendid sky over their heads. Do they know that?

  19. I love this haiku..with tree as your subject…yes…doesn’t matter whether it’s scorching Sun.. a little breeze is enough for them to dance..

  20. Love the sky and the treesilhouettes!!

  21. they do look like they’re dancing. beautiful

  22. I love the photo, It invoke such passion and beauty.

  23. such a beautiful dance too! Happy Earth Day!

  24. ah, I see what you mean. similar skies, but your words are magical. happy Earth Day to you!

  25. Unshackled and free yet grounded with deep roots and secure–perfect life! When you enlarge this photo, it’s fascinating to see the different folk emerge: I see two hearts (far right, dead center), a circle in the center (below the heart), lyrical outstretched limbs. And the big sky with clouds making shadows and a beautiful sunset! Easily reasons for glee!

  26. Fantastic photo. The words and the image are perfect together!

  27. A gorgeous photo! Love the dark bare trees against that beautiful sky! Great haiku as well!
    happy Earth Day and Easter!

  28. Your image…your words…magical…I can see the tree limbs dancing and reaching toward the sky.

    Thank you for your visit today and your kind words. Probably the most unique comment I’ve ever received. I thoroughly enjoyed it…brought a smile to my face :~)

    Happy Trails~

  29. What a wonderful picture and poem. I like both.

  30. Thank you for visiting my Journal. I love your writings.
    Excellent photo (by the by).

  31. Beautiful pastel sky….and I love the silhouetted trees “dancing
    through shadows with glee.” Lovely photo and lovely haiku!

  32. Lovely capture and words.

    Have a great weekend.

  33. Very good capture 🙂

  34. Sorry it took me a little while to make it over here! This is a lovely photo, I love how the tree seems to be trying to reach up to touch those lovely, wispy clouds!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting, I hope you’ll drop by again soon :o)

  35. unshackle my heart

    take me, remind me, lift me

    moonlight finds dark shadows

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