

Some shadows, a stone,
the singing of wind and sun—
what more do you need?

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Along the trail at Cabrillo National Monument, San Diego
More One Single Impression poems with the theme “Need” here
More Postcards from Paradise at Recuerda Mi Corazon here
More Straight Out of the Camera shots here
More Mellow Yellow Monday photos here
More Shadow Shot Sunday photos here
More Haiku Heights, Prompt #53, here
More Poetry Pantry #59 here

Posted on July 24, 2011, in Cabrillo National Monument, Haiku Heights, Mellow Yellow Monday, my digital photos, my haiku, One Single Impression, Poetry Pantry, Postcards from Paradise, Shadow Shot Sunday, Southern California. Bookmark the permalink. 24 Comments.

  1. Nothing more is needed.

    Dramatic strata there.

  2. its the simple things! thanks for reminding us of that!

  3. Very dramatic and yet simple. Nice.

  4. I like the Haiku you matched with this photo. Perfect!

  5. oh,what else do anyone need?
    Beautiful write!

  6. last night when i went to bed i thought about all your haiku and how deeply i look forward to reading each one. and your photographs…wonderful finger prints of the life around you.
    i feel asleep thinking how extraordinary it would be if the pictures could be larger…and thought, in the morning i will ask you if you ever considered offering them in a larger format.
    and here i am, and here they are!
    love the synchronicity of this!

    thanks for the largeness of your beauty!

  7. Beautiful stone and words.

  8. Indigenous writing perhaps…just kidding.
    Beautiful as is of course.

  9. The beauty of nature.

    Have a fabulous week!

    Liz @ MLC

  10. Those things are all that I require. Your capture of the stone is beautiful.

  11. Nature is amazing…. beautiful picture.

  12. Your haiku is pure sweet music complementing the delightful photo!

  13. Absolutely beautiful!!

  14. Beautiful image and words.

  15. Nothing more is needed…
    Have a good week!

  16. You’re absolutely right.

  17. For me, that would be shade and a temp about 75 degrees.

  18. Disregard my last comment about where in San Diego Cabrillo’s statue is. It is at the monument, of course. What a beautiful geological postcard this is. Imagine all the centuries exposed in these striations.

  19. My husband, an engineer will always give me a lecture about the formation of the rocks when he see rocks like your photo.

  20. The simplicity of nature offers a complex sensory gift … or maybe it is the other way around!!

  21. Not a single thing more!! Lovely shot and great haiku to go with it.

  22. The songs of nature are enough for me!

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