No Gems


Here there are no gems,
only tribes of sullen stones,
glaring at the sun.

Text and photo © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Northern Arizona
More Sunday Scribblings with the theme “Tribe” here
More Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon here
More Haiku Heights with the theme “Gem” here
More Straight Out of the Camera shots here
More Shadow Shot Sunday 2 photos here

Posted on January 14, 2012, in Arizona, haiku, Haiku Heights, Haiku My Heart, Northern Arizona, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, Straight Out of the Camera Sunday, Sunday Scribblings. Bookmark the permalink. 31 Comments.

  1. This is your forte.. well written MMT…

  2. I do love the sunlight glowing on those rocks! Ah, we can all use a fort like that!


  3. Wonderful written this one. Loved reading it. And that picture … wow! Do you make them yourself?

  4. Well, they might just be sullen stones, but their lovely color shining in the sunlight is like a beautiful gem to me. 🙂

  5. Not so sullen, say I… 🙂

  6. A barren earth…a sad plight ~

  7. I’d happily sit on one of those! Delightful as ever.

  8. Nice insight.

    The irony, perhaps, is that if gems were tribes, they would have no value.

  9. Wow! The way you can arrange words is amazing!

  10. Great creative take on the prompt. It certainly fits that dramatic picture.

  11. I really do like your haiku with this shot. They go together beautifully. The colors of the sand, gravelly stuff, and the shrubbery make for such an interesting mix . Your capture is filled with texture and detail. genie

  12. Perhaps no gems there, but plenty of great shadow shots.

  13. Nice tones, light and textures in this beauty.

  14. A feeling that these worlds of stone have been there since time began! Just being! Lovely shadowy ambience in this one!

  15. The rocks come alive in your poem. Now when I look at them they seem like a marching army!

  16. I love stones, gems or not, great photo this week.

  17. A tribe of stones is a cool idea!

  18. I love your interpretation of your photo – gems indeed! Great Haiku!!!
    Hugs, antonella 🙂
    P.S. I’ve joined SSS again this week too…

  19. Well, you certainly do have a remarkable ability to masterfully address multiple prompts simultaneously. Well done. This photo in particular appeals to me.

  20. I love that you personified these boulders in your Haiku.

    Beautiful shot. Like Gemma said, it looks like these stones have been there forever.

  21. The rocks look so lovely in your photo, and the haiku wonderfully describes the photo! Nice job!

  22. I love your marriage of poetry and photography! Both are lovely!

  23. Great shot with an apt description to accompany it!! Nicely done!!

  24. Makes me feel like so many tribes exist, verses and elements and such.


  25. So much said here. Thank you.

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