The Warmth of Your Breath


The warmth of your breath,
my Lady Desolation,
awakens blossoms.

Text and photo © 2012 by Magical Mystical Teacher
Photo: Barrel cactus blossom, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Southern California
More Haiku My Heart at Recuerda Mi Corazon
More We Write Poems: NaPoWriMo #13
More The April Heights: “Warmth”
More Floral Friday Fotos
More I Heart Macro

Posted on April 12, 2012, in Anza-Borrego Desert, California, Floral Friday Fotos, haiku, Haiku Heights, Haiku My Heart, I Heart Macro, NaPoWriMo, Southern California, The April Heights 2012, We Write Poems, wildflowers. Bookmark the permalink. 32 Comments.

  1. excellent haiku and awesome photo ~ speaks to the heart ~thanks, namaste, ^_^

  2. Whoa… amazing haiku!

  3. stunning…..
    completely stunning.

  4. Lovely haiku and photo. The contrast between the spiny stem and the delicate blossom is stunning!

    Thank you for participating in Floral Friday Fotos!

  5. Wow! Really amazing haiku this week!!! Love the photo as well! Great work. 🙂

  6. Absolutely beautiful!!!! Takes my breath away both in words and picture! Thank you!!!!!!

  7. Picture and words complement each other so well. I love “Lady Desolation”.


  8. Beautiful! I love the soft flower against those ‘needles’ (is that the right word for it – or is it ‘spines’?)

  9. beauiful haiku goes with the beautiful photo…

  10. Beautiful flower, and haiku that goes so well.

  11. Lady Desolation pertaining to the desert cactus? Nice one, MMT.

  12. A beautiful awakening in words and photo.

  13. Very nice. The picture is amazing,

  14. So lovely. I love the haiku too!

  15. Lady Desolation…
    she doesn’t stay forever.
    Beautiful haiku!

  16. Wow…this is beautifully crafted.. I can feel the fragrance..thanx..

  17. Bah!! what a wonderful read..I too can get the fragrance, like Rameshji:)

  18. Lady Desolation is potent with beauty.

  19. Mind if I set here for a while and just stare at it? My God, she’s beautiful!

  20. You take some lovely photos, this one is brilliant. Nice Haiku too.

  21. How Beautiful! It’s a great art and a kind of feat to make your “Lady Desolation
    awaken blossoms”!!! The photo is perfectly matched to your haiku!!! Thanks for this beauty!

  22. The desert in bloom. Beautiful flower, beautiful haiku. Peace to you.

  23. That was a gorgeous haiku. 🙂

  24. the photograph is splendid and the haiku complements..

  25. Lovely cactus flower and haiku!
    Thank you for sharing!

  26. something really different to see a cactus in flower here; thanks for sharing

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