
Mesquite leaves photo SonoranFeb2013499a_zpsf04c4a8a.jpg
Mesquite leaves, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona

thirsty mesquite leaves—
a sip of evening shadows
instead of spring rain


Text and photo © 2013 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Haiku Friday
More Shadow Shot Sunday 2
More Carpe Diem: “Spring Rain (Chiyo-Ni)”

Posted on February 9, 2013, in Arizona, Carpe Diem, Chiyo-Ni, haiku, Haiku Friday, Shadow Shot Sunday 2, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 28 Comments.

  1. i love the thought of sipping the evening shadows…beautiful post mmt!!!

  2. glorious, I too like the sipping of the shadows!

  3. I’m with the others, I love the idea of sipping the evening shadows. Delightful capture for the day!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  4. A mere sip of desert moisture is all they need to thrive…

  5. true statement…so many of our plants are sipping the evening shadows instead of showers…nice haiku!

  6. I was going to try and coin a phrase based on the ‘birds of a father’ saying into leaves…but nothing clever came to mind! Love the delicate shadows in that image.

  7. Clever…and cultural….!

  8. Like the others I love your haiku today! Sipping evening shadows..beautiful concept

  9. I think I visited earlier… perhaps from my phone…. which means I’m in your spam….. I’ve no idea what I said earlier……however, I bet those mesquite leaves have learned how to sip every drop from the shadows and the breeze too!! Your desert is beautiful.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Ah, no, you are not in my spam, so either you didn’t visit earlier, or your mobile is playing tricks on you! 🙂

  10. interesting shot. Lots of shadows even if they are small.

  11. Ahhh..sipping shadows sounds so mysterious. I like that and I like your shot also. I hope you’re having a great weekend!

  12. Wonderful haiku for ‘spring rain’ ~ love the ‘sipping shadows’ ~
    Carol from (A Creative Harbor) ^_^ on blogger

  13. I guess you don’t always get what you’re seeking—or needing—in the desert!

    Spring Shower

  14. a sip of evening shadows — how beautiful that sounds….
    there may be no rain there but you sure make something lovely out of what’s present. wonderful

  15. Sipping shadows … what a beautiful image.

  16. So that’s what mesquite looks like! I love the dof.

  17. Bravo, I love the sipping of shadows. Thank you 🙂

  18. very pretty. 🙂

  19. Lovely words for lovely flowers. So pretty…

  20. Lovely words from the desert.

    I recall when I lived there there was spring rain, and the result was a desert in bloom, I understand it’s not every year that happens.

  21. As I have said in other Places, I am constantly amazed at what can be expressed in 17 syllables. Well done, you. Thank you for linking in to Haiku Friday.

  22. Nice macro/foreground combination! And thank you for the automatic pop-up details below!

  23. Love the color of the leaves, nice shot!

    My Shadow
    Have a great week ahead.

  24. I love this approach… offering us an idea instead of spring rain… Brilliant! 🙂

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