A Weird Quartet

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The first line of each haiku or senryu comes from “Blood” by Naomi Shihab Nye.

Today the headlines
scream of a bend in the lane
where fallen birds lie.
~~ ~~
Languages can reach
the bird, the rock, the meadow,
in peculiar ways.
~~ ~~
To plead with the air
to retreat from the island—
who can bear the thought?
~~ ~~
Can the crying heart
become wild and unstable,
a bridge to nowhere?

© 2013 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Carpe Diem’s Freestyle #1
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 115

Posted on June 30, 2013, in Carpe Diem, haiku, Naomi Shihab Nye, senryu, The Sunday Whirl and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 21 Comments.

  1. Always enjoy Haiku. I particularly like your last one…a bridge to nowhere.

  2. I love your consideration of languages, and concur with its idea.

  3. Your words always suggest so much more than you have actually said. I found your poem unbearably sad this morning. Not weird at all. Nevertheless I wish you a Happy Sunday !Tanka Whirl

  4. The last is the saddest and I see desperation!! The road ahead seems to be out of sight and all efforts seem to be going in vain!! May peace be restored to that crying heart!!

  5. I say yes, the crying heart can become wild and unstable until it gets back on track and discovers a new bridge to somewhere.

  6. Interesting ideas today. I like “pleading with the air”. Who among us hasn’t done this?

  7. These speak to me of someone seeking, asking questions and perhaps looking in corners and the shadows of corners for the answers that might never come. That in no way makes the quest any less valuable. I like the voice, the imagery, and especially the way in which you wove the words. They speak to me in a language both strange, yet familiar. I always like what you do here, but these I will bookmark and return to. Thank you,


  8. Nice, mmt. Love the fourth, as it reminds of someone close to me.


  9. Nicely done MMT. 🙂 I love reading your haikus. (Mainly because I haven’t got a disciplined bone in my body to write haikus with) 🙂

  10. Can the crying heart
    become wild and unstable,
    a bridge to nowhere?

    Oh yes, it sure can.

  11. Am so feeling the sadness of recent events with this. Wonderful writing. I’m pulled in to the way you weave your words.

  12. I always enjoy a second reading of your poems!Tanka Whirl

  13. I particularly like the first two. And thanks for the link to Blood. That’s a great poem.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Yes, “Blood” is a powerful poem. I really like the writing of Naomi Shihab Nye. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Fallen birds only speak the truth

    though the language is peculiar;

    is its unbearable plea in vain

    for the wild crying heart?


  15. The forth is excellent.. it talks with a very load voice to me.

  16. That third is a wonderfully composed haiku, like the other haiku too.

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