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This week’s Sunday Whirl words: prison, cloak, become, lens, goods, cash, pursuit, skirt, wild, Venus, beloved

~~ 1 ~~
Her skirt of ashes—
even the monks turn their heads,
amazed at the sight.
~~ 2 ~~
wild in the ruins—
children smearing their faces
with dust and ashes
~~ 3 ~~
sifting the ashes
of old sorrows at midnight—
her fruitless pursuit
~~ 4 ~~
Is the only bread
this crust made out of ashes?
Prison fare at best!
~~ 5 ~~
Ashes cloak the town
as the mountain blows its top—
~~ 6 ~~
only seven days
until the ashes become
the man she longs for
~~ 7 ~~
stories old men tell
about dry goods sold for cash
crumbling to ashes
~~ 8 ~~
beloved ashes
soon to be buried at sea
cradled by the waves
~~ 9 ~~
Are these flakes ashes
showering down from Venus
on the prophet’s head?
~~ 10 ~~
lens focused on ants
reduces them to ashes—
schoolboys’ whoops and caws

© 2013 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Carpe Diem: “Ashes”
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 138

Posted on December 7, 2013, in 5-7-5, Carpe Diem, The Sunday Whirl and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 30 Comments.

  1. A way cool exploration of ashes. Loved them! I most loved the monks’ amazement. Hee hee.

  2. So many ashes and not one word of cricket! I’m impressed.

  3. 6 and 9 really mystical…

  4. Ashes are all around us aren’t they..they are finer than dust!

  5. I always read these as a single piece – this of the majesty of Venus … all about as fine as ashes…

  6. Such a wide variety of haiku relating with ashes. Well crafted. 🙂

  7. All about ashes….great ideas!

  8. have a nice Sunday

    much love…

  9. The first one is my favourite!

  10. amazing array of haikus using ‘ashes’!

  11. I loved the first one so much, I had to come and say so. When the image amazes the monks, it makes me smile. Back to the rest now…

    The last one gets me, too. I love the image. At my old blog home, Beyond the Bozone, there’s an “ants” tag that leads to a series of ant poems I wrote one year. I hate the little buggers when they invade my house.

  12. #3 deserves an ovation! ♥

  13. I enjoy how you use this form to explore the richness of words and their varied meanings.. in this case, ashes. I felt an undercurrent of grief throughout this set. #3 resonates for me… perhaps because I have so often lain awake with that cruel bedmate – insomnia!

  14. Hats off to you, as usual. You make it look so easy, so simple, when it is anything but that. I always come here expecting much and continually find more. Thank you,


    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Thank you for your words of affirmation. You’re right: It looks easy, but it’s not (which, I suppose, is true for most of life).

  15. Always enjoy reading your poems. Love the theme of ashes. I’m partial to number seven.


  16. So many memories, so many truisms, so much sadness. We can always rely on you to take us on a journey like no other.

  17. 8 touches my heart but your writing is always lovely.

  18. These are so wonderful. I love that you themed them. A Herculean effort. Brava!

  19. These are incredible. Why am I not surprised.

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