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Another Baja Whirl

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Each breath-of-a-poem begins with a phrase taken from The Forgotten Peninsula: A Naturalist in Baja California by Joseph Wood Krutch

~~ 1 ~~
Saints and mysteries
will keep any plague at bay
for an hour or two.
~~ 2 ~~
near my own front door
the blasphemy of a clown
making oaks tremble
~~ 3 ~~
From the burning wood
a whole tale of woe is born—
my house turns to ash.
~~ 4 ~~
deserted village—
the deck of the grandest house
crumbling into dust
~~ 5 ~~
the northwest corner
where all the temple monkeys
chatter morning prayers
~~ 6 ~~
peach tree in full bloom—
she savors the sweet, ripe fruit
five months from today
~~ 7 ~~
a wizard’s garden—
his rustling among the herbs
till he plucks one leaf
~~ 8 ~~
to travel southward
where the hills are dry and brown—
the pilgrim’s longing
~~ 9 ~~
the caressing warmth
of a single tear flowing
down her furrowed cheek

© 2015 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 203