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Variations on ‘Caged Bird’

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Each little poem-breath begins with a phrase purloined from Maya Angelou’s “Caged Bird.” Maya Angelou died on 28 May 2014.

~~ 1 ~~
On the grave of dreams
place a thousand paving stones—
let no wraiths escape.
~~ 2 ~~
the fat worms waiting
as the tractor keeps plowing—
hundred-acre field
~~ 3 ~~
on the distant hill
a fireworks launch at bedtime
children ooh and ah
~~ 4 ~~
the back of the wind
carrying a pungent scent
through my open door
~~ 5 ~~
with a fearful trill
and flapping of sturdy wings
cormorant nabs fish
~~ 6 ~~
Through the sighing trees
a lean and fluid roebuck
flees the hunter’s bow.
~~ 7 ~~
Till the current ends,
I have no need to propel
my raft with a pole.
~~ 8 ~~
He opens his throat,
spilling out jovial notes,
gracing all who hear.
~~ 9 ~~
Through his bars of rage
he glimpses freedom’s terrain—
one breath out of reach.
~~ 10 ~~
In the orange sun
seven crows chase each other,
crying raucously.
~~ 11 ~~
of another breeze
piping countless melodies—
why the caged bird sings

© 2014 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Poetry Pantry #204
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 163