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Whirling with Fay

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Each haiku begins with a phrase shamelessly purloined from various haiku in Fay Aoyagi’s In Borrowed Shoes.

~~ 1 ~~
Hole in my sweater—
the shopping list I scribbled
slips between loose threads.
~~ 2 ~~
shadow with no name
in a channel of the shelf
holding holy books
~~ 3 ~~
snip of the scissors—
her seven-years-long ennui
resisting the cut
~~ 4 ~~
A custody case
condemns their children to death
by separation.
~~ 5 ~~
day for flying kites—
an inky one soars higher
than all the others
~~ 6 ~~
heat of the stone wall
still warming the lone fly’s wings
long after day’s end
~~ 7 ~~
first dandelions
and the smell of fresh-mown grass—
snow-day memories
~~ 8 ~~
For the butterfly
a single open blossom
will suffice for lunch.
~~ 9 ~~
A praying mantis—
will he soon capitulate
to the bumblebee?
~~ 10 ~~
Red quince blooming—
further delay makes no sense
to the hungry bee.
~~ 11 ~~
Morning glory seeds—
one of them will generate
a thousand blossoms.
~~ 12 ~~
a story inside
to render children speechless—
pomegranate seed

© 2015 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Poetry Pantry #234
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 195