

Sleepless nights, dragging through each day.

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Posted on September 3, 2011, in insomnia, Six-Word Saturday. Bookmark the permalink. 17 Comments.

  1. That’s not good, especially if you’ve kids to teach. Hope you can get more sleep soon.

    (I was going to tick “Like”, because I always admire the bravery of the people who just post the Six Words and no explanation, but it would seem a bit callous to tick it here).

  2. Having been sick the last few weeks and being unable to sleep, I can sympathise with the dragging yourself through each day. Hope things improve real soon

  3. This fellow insomniac sends his empathetic salute.

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Love your blog! Unfortunately I can relate too well with todays 6WS you share. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

  5. know the feeling all too well!
    (see 6 right back at you!)

  6. i teach and understand what you are saying! the first few weeks are maddening! i hope you get to feeling better soon and have a lovely rest this weekend! 😀

  7. visiting from 6-word Saturday; I hear you, I’ve suffered with it off and on; never fun to go without sleep for too long! May you find rest soon!

  8. It might be time to eat more bananas and get outside for some old fashion sunshine!

  9. Sending sympathies and hopes of sleep. Sounds like me last night…it’s going to be a long day.

  10. I know how frustrating it can be as I get hit with arthritis pain and it will have me up and down quite often at night. Praying you get more sleep soon.

  11. Oh dear, that doesn’t sound good. Hope things pick up for you soon.

  12. Try taking magnesium at bedtime…it relaxes you. Hope you can get some much needed rest and sleep soon. (:>)

  13. It’s worth a try! (:>) I bought a magnesium drink at whole foods, and it is called “Natural Calm”. You use a teaspoon in a cup of hot water and drink it. It is kinda like hot lemonade. Anyway, you could get up and drink that when you wake up in the middle of the night and then go back to bed after awhile and see if it helps.

  14. Well said, and boy do I relate!

  15. My son had insomnia. Horrendous. Hope you overcome it soon.

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