Disjointed Bits and Pieces

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The first line of each bit or piece comes from “Poem for Christian, My Student,” by Gail Mazur.

~~ 1 ~~
Tiny persimmon,
you come to me unbidden,
soft and ripe and sweet.
~~ 2 ~~
If he wakes at all,
there may be no one waiting,
save for weary ghosts.
~~ 3 ~~
His second language
was learned from a swarm of gnats
that tormented him.
~~ 4 ~~
An elderly friend
has come with me to worship—
we spill out our songs.
~~ 5 ~~
Of my early years
I recall only patches
of darkness and light.
~~ 6 ~~
desperate slumber
here on this exact hillside
thirty years ago
~~ 7 ~~
in a life on hold—
sharp and dangerous edges
for the unaware
~~ 8 ~~
Research in the stacks—
where will we find old Tagore
and his brilliant tales?
~~ 9 ~~
volumes of Tagore
gathered from the dusty stacks
tales of light and grace

© 2013 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More The Sunday Whirl, Wordle 128

Posted on September 29, 2013, in 5-7-5, Counted verse, The Sunday Whirl and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 26 Comments.

  1. Nice… 1, 2, & 5 are my favorites.

  2. Loved your weary ghosts. I felt a sudden sympathy for them when no-one was being frightened by them any more.

  3. I relate personally to 5. You always do a great job with the words.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Having a personal relationship with a poem is one of life’s great delights! Without it…well, that’s an alternative that I don’t even like to consider! 😉

  4. I love Tagore, and I love number 9. All of these are gems, as always. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

  5. I couldn’t help but notice the comments and some selections of favorites and I realize that I read you differently – I let each wash one into the other and there is always a connected feeling of a single poem – perhaps this has not been your intent…but it has been my happy consequence. 🙂 I am not even certain the nature of the Volumes of Tagore but relate to the sweetness of a persimmon leading one with a friend for support , spiling out songs on a quest that is found in “dusty stacks – tales of light and grace.”

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      I’m glad you found a certain wholeness here. I separated each little poem, because I discerned no flow from one to the other—which all goes to show that one should never (well, hardly ever!) try to “interpret” poetry (whatever that means!), but simply let the poem “be.” (Hope I’ve made sense; when I get into the philosophical realm, I sometimes become nonsensical!)

  6. His second language
    was learned from a swarm of gnats
    that tormented him.

    I LOVE this poem. This is exactly right for learning a second language.

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Necessity drives you to do things that you thought you couldn’t do—is that it, Alice? 😉

      • What you say of necessity is certainly true for me. But I was thinking that learning to understand and speak french has been like listening to a swarm of gnats. Gradually I could hear words floating among the babble. Then phrases. Then whole sentences. I’ve been surrounded by swarms of people speaking French. Not always pleasant. 🙂 Keep writing. I really enjoy your work.

        • magicalmysticalteacher

          I love to travel to Mexico, and had one year of Spanish many years ago in high school. Now I teach in a school where many of the students are bilingual Spanish/English speakers. I listen to their conversations and, like you, I can pick out a word here and there. I despair of ever learning the language well enough to converse! Thanks for the writing encouragement; I really appreciate it.

          • Pimsleur. Library copies. All listening and talking gives a good foundation. I did the lessons for french and Spanish in my car driving to work. All three levels are available in Spanish. Easy to find even if you have to get an inter-library loan.

  7. Disjointed..and yet glued together..every fragment of the story important..i do love this form – you have made it your own..

    • magicalmysticalteacher

      Yes, I have made the form my own. Thank you for noticing. It was out of necessity; I don’t seem to be able to to sustained writing, so little breaths have to suffice! 😉

  8. Tagore and his tales! This is heavy stuff! Nicely MMT!


  9. Each poem seemed to blend into the next, but at the same time could stand on its own. Greeat work!

  10. all lovely, a story masterfully woven

    much love…

  11. Especially love that second language learned from gnats! 🙂

  12. Excellent – number three is something quite special and the (metaphorical) truth to many an unfortunate soul.
    Anna :o]

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