
I teach in a remote area, where the school district provides housing for the teachers for a nominal rent. Our district had a four-day fall break, including the weekend, and I decided to fly to Kentucky to visit my daughter. All was not well in my absence, however, as this e-mail I wrote and sent to all administrators and teachers illustrates:

Dear Colleagues,

I went to visit my daughter in Kentucky over fall break, leaving Thursday morning and arriving back at my trailer at 5 p.m. Sunday. When I arrived, I noticed that the front door was unlocked. I also noticed that a bathroom light and vent fan were on, and I thought maybe I had gotten careless in my haste to
leave on Thursday. I shrugged it off and thought nothing more about it.

Then at about 7:30 p.m. Sunday, I noticed that my external hard drive was missing. I immediately called the head of campus security, who said that mine was not the only trailer burglarized.

I called the county sheriff and a deputy came at about 7:50 p.m.to take a report. While he was here, I discovered that my printer/scanner had also been stolen. [Still later I discovered two other items missing as well: my desktop speakers and my USB hub.] The deputy said two things that I find very disturbing.

First, he said that at least eight burglaries took place in teacher housing sometime around midnight
Saturday, with the burglars going systematically from door to door, where no vehicles were parked, knocking on the doors and, when no one answered, kicking in the doors. The burglars then scooped up all the electronics they could carry.

Second, the deputy said that the head of campus security had been told (apparently by administration) not to have security patrol teacher housing on weekends.

If this is the case, then what trailer is safe on the weekends? How can I go visit my sons, who live three hours away, on the weekends if I have to worry about my trailer being broken into? How can I go home at Thanksgiving and Christmas if no one is going to patrol teacher housing regularly and frequently to discourage break-ins? Whose trailer is safe, even in broad daylight, without regular patrols?

I am very distressed over the loss of my hard drive, which contained much valuable data, which I will never see again. I am even more distressed over the violation of my living space. Most distressing of all is learning that I really have no protection in teacher housing. I’m on my own—and so are you.

I hope that immediate action will be taken to ensure the safety of teachers and their possessions by instituting frequent and regular patrols, especially during the day when teachers are in school, and on weekends and holiday times, when many teachers are not at home.

Sincerely yours,
Magical Mystical Teacher

Posted on October 18, 2010, in teaching. Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. I’m sorry to hear that. Nothing is safe anymore.

  2. Wow…that is terrible! I’m so sorry. I can’t believe the administration did that!

  3. That is awful news! I hope they beef up security on the weekends to protect those people they have working for them… it’s just the right thing to do.

    Sorry for your misfortunes. I hope the perps get caught!

  4. So sorry about this. I hope something good happens out of this terrible turn of events.


  5. So sorry about that. I am very interested to hear of the administrative response. I hope it is swift and appropriate.

  6. Ugh – that blows. I had a classroom computer and some nice headphones stolen last year, so I know how it feels.

  7. I am sorry for your loss. I’ve also suffered from my home being violated and my property taken by the critters of society. I hope you will atttend the next school board meeting and let the school board know exactly how you feel…..and its ramifications for your peace of mind, enthusiasm for your profession and students….ask them, are their employees in teacher housing supposed to live as monks with next to no personnal possessions? They have an obligation to provide some level of security for you and your possessions.

    As for the critters, having an inkling of the kind of man you are, you will pray they find peace and forgiveness for their multitude of wrongs and sins…..

  8. Thinking of you. Sorry you have little thieves around. You’re a good guy and you’ve done good sticking out there in the boondocks.

  9. This is soooo not cool! It’s the worst feeling in the world to be violated. Hope they catch whoever did this crime.

    And, shame on the administration for not being more supportive with the security. 😦

    Keep us posted.

  10. I really am so sorry to hear this! I am just thankful that nobody got hurt!!

  11. So sorry you were burglarized. I hope things will change and they will get you security!

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