
Hedgehog cactus photo AnzaBoApril2013073a_zps0ae7965e.jpg
Hedgehog cactus (Echinocereus engelmannii), Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Southern California

Wilderness morning—
somewhere a scorpion lurks,
waiting for its prey.

Text and photo © 2013 by Magical Mystical Teacher
More Himmelsk
More Ruby Tuesday 2
More Ein Stück Himmel #67
More Carpe Diem: “Scorpion”

Posted on April 9, 2013, in Anza-Borrego Desert, cactus, California, Carpe Diem, desert, Ein Stück Himmel, haiku, hedgehog cactus, Himmelsk, Ruby Tuesday 2, scorpion, Southern California, wilderness, wildflowers and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. What a nice contrast–the beauty of the flowers, the deadly sting that may be hiding behind them.

  2. a flower’s beauty
    a neurotoxin sting
    the desert


  3. They can be hard to see in the rocks

  4. The part of being a Scorpio I don’t relate to…but can definitely relate to the beauty of your haiku and photograph!

  5. The desert does have everything, yes…

  6. I sense the next verse might begin ‘wilderness mourning’.
    Love your work as always, thank you 🙂

  7. Even your cactus looks like a predator in this photo.

  8. what a wonderful blossom! thanx 🙂

  9. Wonderful photo of a cactus!Thank you for sharing and have a nice day!

  10. Wow…love this! This cactus is so beautiful.

  11. Great photo, lovely colours!
    Perfect for “Himmelsk”!

  12. Your written imagery so vivid, I found myself searching the photo for that scary looking fellow…

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